Sunday, May 29, 2011

In the Village Beyond the Wood . . .

In the village beyond the wood there lies a long-forgotten path. Near it flows the littlest of streams, and there I saw a sight so sweet.
Years and Dears watercolor/ink/graphite 8" x 10" (please click images to enlarge)

Here they have been for so long a time with their lives intertwined. Through ups and downs and all-arounds, here they stay . . . as forever they may.


Monday, May 16, 2011

Espresso Imp

Espresso Imp 6" x 6" pencil (click image to enlarge)

Sometimes . . . . . does your coffee seem a little sweeter?


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Hat House

Hat House graphite 4" x 4" (click image to enlarge)

Thanks so much to all of you who came to the Astoria Sunday Market on Mother's Day and visited my booth. Your encouragement and kind words mean a great deal to me.
